(65) 97637032 enquiry@artisseum.com

Large Framed Oil Paintings for Sale

Are you thinking of getting an oil painting for your home or office? A large framed oil painting might just be the ideal painting for you.

If you are looking for something exquistie that dosen’t cost thousands of dollars (like what other art galleries charge), do stay on and browse our sample oil paintings. 

Artisseum specializes in providing large framed oil painting. At the art gallery, we showcase and sell various types of oil paintings. Whether you like contemporary, realistic, pop art, impressionistic, or abstract, you’re guaranteed to find a piece that speaks to you.

Custom Portrait Oil Painting

A wonderful genre of painting is portrait painting. This type of painting is done in order to provide a representation of a person. Portraits serve as valuable records for families. They also serve as treasured memories.

Custom Oil Painting

Have a favourite photo that you like to convert to a painting? Maybe you like to change something in another painting? Fret not! Our custom oil painting service will help you get the unique oil painting that you desire.

Oil Painting in Stock

If you have no idea what your ideal oil painting would be like, check out our catalogue of over 10,000 oil paintings. After selectng the ones that you like, you can then decide on the size.


998 Toa Payoh North #07-12, Singapore 318993

(+65) 9763 7032
