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Jesus Christ Paintings for Sale.

Christian Oil Paintings: Art Works with a Story

Limited Time Promotion!

Get a free Jesus Christ Wall Mural Decal when you order any Jesus Christ Paintings!

Scroll to the end of this page for more details.

Aside from Christian or Gospel music, Christian art has captured the fancy of many people around the world. For many years since the 80’s, worship and praise songs have dominated the airwaves and the music industry in terms of demand and sales. On the heels of this phenomenon came the growing demand for Christian art works, in particular, Christian oil paintings.

We owe this in part to the spread of the message of Christ by the world evangelists starting in the 60’s and the great revival spiritual revival during the 70’s after the hippies and the Flower People walked the road to “love” and “peace”. Still, the human desire for those sublime and cherished virtues remains strong.

The stories in the Bible serve as an inspiring source, a bottomless mine for many artists, from Dürer, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Van Gogh, Rembrandt to El Greco. Modern Christian art borrows from the exemplary works of those masters and continues to deliver awe-inspiring scenarios we only read about in the early disciples’ lives and writings. Viewing a Christian oil painting, in particular, offers one and all a moving drama of specific events with great historical and spiritual significance. Moreover, they serve to enhance the personal experience of the viewer as those stories merge with the real struggles of individuals.

There are various kinds of Christian oil paintings from which a prospective buyer can choose from in our gallery. Here is a list of possible choices:

Christ Performing Miracles

No other scene depicts more awe and power than Christ, or some other prophet, as He performed miracles in front of the people. The written record inspires faith and worship; but an excellent oil painting can do more than that because it adds a visual confirmation of the reality of those deeds and of one’s own devotion. Christ’s resurrection, including the Day of Resurrection itself, is, perhaps, the most-beloved scene among many artists, collectors and art lovers.

Christ’s Return

This could be at par with the first, considering it was depicted by Michelangelo on an entire wall at the Sistine Chapel; but in modern art, we still have to fully depict its significance and meaning in a magnitude that is an equally-entrancing masterpiece as that of Buonarroti. However, we satisfy ourselves with a personal possession of the same magnificent scene event with a much smaller oil painting in our home or church building.   

The Parables and Other Symbolic Tales in the Bible

Van Gogh painted “The Sower” to remind us of the Parable of the Sower.  Many others have rendered the same scene in their own styles. One can choose among many parable stories done in oil. It can either be an existing piece or custom-made for your own collection or as a gift for someone.

Anecdotes about Great Events in the Lives of Ancient and Recent Believers

Depictions of the prophets, evangelists, missionaries, believers and leaders, such as Noah, Abraham, Jacob, the 12 Apostles, Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin and Schweitzer also offer possible stories for Christian oil paintings. And even someone you have only read about in books or heard from your Bible meetings or a person you may have met in person could be the subject of a custom-made painting.

A Christian oil painting, however, need not be taken from actual stories or experiences of people but simply a lovely flower or landscape that includes a verse written over it. Like faith itself, it can be as personal as you want it to be.

Famous painting reproduction on the Ressurrection of Jesus

Famous painting reproduction on the Parable of the Sower by Van Gogh

Painting on the Sacred Heart Of Jesus Christ

Modern Christian Paintings

Not all Christian paintings are overt illustrations of Blibical stories or portraits of Christ. 

Modern Christian paintings of Jesus Christ makes use of abstract style or symbols to convey Biblical messages.

Below are some examples of our modern Christian Oil Paintings.

Are you ready to bring the Bible to life in your home with a Custom Christian Oil Painting? 

Choose an image of the painting that you liked and send it to us!

How to order a Jesus Oil Painting.

  1. Browse through our website and choose the painting that you like or select your own image of the painting that you like.
  2. Decide on the size (width and height).
  3. Send us an enquiry using the form below
  4. Our art consultant will send you a quotation and answer any questions that you might have.
  5. Pay 50% deposit and our artist will commence work on your painting
  6. When the painting is ready, we will send you a photo of the artwork for your approval. We will only shop after you have approved the work.

Christian Oil Paintings Enquiry Form

  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Size of painting, With or Without Frame OR Any customization required, etc)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

For a limited time only, we are giving away a FREE Wall Mural Decals with every purchase of our Christian Oil Paintings. 

 There are three different designs to choose from. The size of the Wall Mural Decals are as follows:

  • God Love the World: 56x56cm
  • God Bless our Home: 36X43cm
  • Rosary Beads with Cross: 30X48cm

This Offer is valid while stocks last.

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